27 September 2011

Sonoma Skeddaddle II

Ride #111

Monday September 26th 

8.5 miles around some vineyards in Sonoma County, California

We set out just before lunch, a picnic distributed among the various riders (I was in charge of the bread), toddler in tow, to visit as many wineries as we could before the inevitable 3.5 year old meltdown. We hoped for 3 winerys and would have settled for 1, so the 2 we visited was the perfect number.

Fappiono's was the first where they had both whites and reds to taste.

I surprised myself by choosing a rosé to take home. I am normally a red red red person.

We had a nice self-catered lunch accompanied by a bottle from the tasting room.

I successfully packed a bottle in one of my rear bags, and Mrs. Host's Mom's (the happy person toasting the camera) bottle in the other. The extra weight was noticeable, especially slogging up the hills to the next winery.

Our second visit was on Limerick Road, to Collins Vineyard, with a very talkative counterman who waived our tasting fees since we had arrived on bicycles.

Now with three bottles in my bags, the effect that had on my suspension, the realization that the toddler DID NOT want to leave the shade of a tree, AND the uphill dirt roads to the next two possible wineries, we made a wise decision and headed back.

I need a stiffer spring or some adjustment to my rear suspension for heavier loads than I usually carry (like for touring), and I also want to get a 22 tooth ring in front instead of my 26. The trike handled wonderfully  with the load, rolling down hills like it was on a greased track.

Tomorrow I head back to my usual life of local bike rides, and to getting ready for Foxy's in mid- October.

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