17 October 2011

Introducing the Folsom Parkway Rail Trail


5.5 investigative  miles in Folsom
Monday, October 17th

I've decided to start volunteering on the Traillink website. This is a great repository of trail information for all over the county, and an on-line acquaintance of mine (who also volunteers) has encouraged me to tend to the neglected Folsom/Sacramento area trails.

My intention today was to use a GPS tracking app on my phone and add a waypoint when I took a picture or noticed something worth mentioning. I ended up with a paper and pencil and a camera, since my phone became invisible in the car. It was there, I just could not find it.

Then I'm digging around in the car, looking for paper. Nada. So I use the margins of the route sheet from this weekend's ride. At least I had a pencil with me. Why a pencil and no paper, I have no idea. And I had even emptied and theoretically reorganized my bags. Ha ha!

Here's the link to the Folsom Parkway Rail Trail on traillink. This trail had a map, but no photos and no review. My photos and review will appear in a few days, once they are approved by the folks that run the joint.

I started at the Sutter Street end, and then went back on the river-side bike path. This trail parallels Folsom Blvd. so it has a LOT of street crossings. All but one have a push button crossing, and all but one was nearly impossible from a recumbent trike. But I persevered, taking photos and valiantly attempting to record exactly where I was for each picture.

But there was no way I was doing all that again, so I entertained myself on the hilly riverside trail. My muscles are still tired from Saturday.

The unpromising beginning as an extra large sidewalk

Aaaargh! Where'd the trail go! (Oakdale St)

Now, that's a bike trail!

Bridge on Willow Creek

Not too many of these to dodge

End of the line at the Iron Point light rail parking lot.


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