06 February 2012

Ever had one of those days?


Sunday, February 5th

A whopping 5 miles.

A So. Cal recumbent fellow is heading up this way in April to ride on the American River Trail.
So I said I'd go out and video the proposed route from the proposed hotel to the trail and back.

This is the email I sent him after my ride.

"Gah. Just gah.

"I went out today and videoed the route. However, I managed to slam the hatch of my car on my helmeted (and camera-ed) head, popping the SD card out w/out noticing it (probably still in the parking lot of the hotel) so I can't provide any video. I'm such a klutz!

"I started at the Red Roof Inn and followed your route as best I could (including dodging through the parking lot). I had to take to the street (Zinfandel) to cross Folsom Blvd since the sidewalk (south of Folsom and east of Zinfandel)  was closed and impassable due to construction.
I assume you intend us to cross Folsom Blvd at Zinfandel using the ped crosswalk and signal?

"Coming back I used the "alley" you mention at Coloma (I don't know the proper name of them, but they are little streets that control a neighborhood's access to a busy street). The ped crossing pushbutton
from the alley onto Cordova worked great there.

"Since the sidewalk was closed at Folsom, I took the left- most traffic lane on Zinfandel and turned left at the BKing entrance to the parking lot, since that is the first entrance accessible going south on
Zinfandel. Not something I'd recommend for folks timid in traffic. I, however, seem to be laboring under the delusion I am immortal, so I was OK with it.

"Here's a ridewithgps link for my route today (I tried to be faithful to my various dodgings in the satellite view)
"They should be done with the sidewalk by April and hopefully will not be doing anything else to get in our way!"

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