Wednesday, June 8th
9 miles around town
I finally decided it is past time to conquer the hill that starts at the bottom of our driveway. So I threw the beast in granny gear and huffed and puffed my way up and out of the subdivision.
Then I made my way over to the public library for a couple of books, turned around and came home. I'm still chicken down the big hill. Even the little hill I reach 20mph easily from a dead stop, just coasting. If only our road did not end at an intimidating orange and white stripped barrier. I might be willing to not brake all the way down.
So, today's rant is about the budget. First off, will California even have a budget by the June deadline? Then, there is the impact of the economy and so on on local services.
A wheel-killing pothole. No, I did not kill a wheel today, but not for lack of trying. I really do not remember seeing so many cracks and fissures in the road last year. More weeds, less maintenance .
However, I did get to ride in a construction zone. A first for me.
Then there's the public library hours. What was I doing coming home at noon from the library? Because it opens at 10am only a few days a week. Other days it is open at 1pm, even warmer. Bah.
Damn kids, get off my lawn! Ok. I'm done now.
A few more rides this week - maybe even a ride in the dark?! I'm still considering that one.
Library bike parking. |
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