02 August 2011

The Ladies who Launch

Ride #92
20 heart-pumping miles on the American River Bike Trail
Tuesday, August 2nd

We launched ourselves from the parking lot and sped down the trail to William Pond, turned around and found ourselves out of steam, so we loafed on the way back.

My intention with this ride was to push myself to go faster and put more effort into moving along. The trike is a seductive creature: lulling you into pedaling along at a comfortable pace, lazily shifting down on a hill, coasting down the other side, waiting to pass a string of other riders.


I almost never pass other riders.

But today I did.
I maintained an average of 14mph on the six miles from Sunrise to William Pond. So I got to pass some folks (even slowmoving roadies. Wow.)
My friend, who was again towing 100 pounds of kids + trailer was not as fast, but we both got an equally splendid workout. My lungs feel a little cleaner then they did this morning.
We started at the Hatchery parking lot but used the first four miles to warm up.

When I was moving fast, I felt the need to imitate a low-class llama and spit repeatedly. I always made sure the target area was clear.
My trike is also resting, under my favorite tree at Wm. Pond.

I tried out an new Android app called Tracks, based on Google Maps. I ran the app on the way over to Wm. Pond, and it seemed to do an OK job of recording my route and speed.
If you'd like to play with it the results (you can invoke a speed graph as part of the elevation information bar, and you can play the route back) click here. The pause at about mile 1 is us futzing around with my little pump to get my buddy's tires inflated a bit more.

I'm taking it easy until Saturday, when I get to roll with the Sacramento Recumbent Riders again.


  1. I'm always curious...what do you do when you get to the end of a trail that isn't a big loop? I'm assuming you don't ride all the way back...

  2. Oh, I turn around and ride back. The little interactive map-thingy on this post is the first 10 miles of the ride, the second 10 miles is not on there since it is boring loafing along.
